Top 3 Myths About Getting Organized

I'm going to reveal the 3 myths about getting organized that all people MUST break away from in order to achieve the organized home of their dreams. Getting in the right mindset is the #1 thing you have to conquer if you want to succeed. As the popular saying goes, "You are your worst enemy and best asset."

After working with many clients I can tell you that the best and most successful are those with the right mindset and attitude and those who have the right beliefs about organization. It's myth-busters time, my friend! In order to make things right you have to first re-align your perspectives.

Myth #1: 

"I can get organized in one day” 

Yes, you can get started and make progress in one day, but you can't truly transform your space and your life without really putting in the effort, energy and the TIME! By going through EVERY single item in the space you are organizing and deciding not only if you need it, use it, and love it, but also thinking seriously about whether or not you actually have a place for it in your home. You need to organize for the space you currently have, not for a past or a future space. Really consider where things can be stored and where they will be used. We should respect the inside of a drawer or a cabinet just as much as the exterior so don't just shove things in there or under the bed. Purging must be a priority and it takes time to do it!

Myth #2: 

"You need to be naturally organized to have an organized home"

This is SO not true. Becoming organized and transforming your space takes thought and effort and it doesn't magically happen. Sure, some people are better at it than others. But ANYONE can put in the work on the front end to purge and create systems that will be EASY to maintain. It will still require daily maintenance, attention and intention. I have personally had clients who are just like you, and were able to make it work once they knew what to do, so I know that you can too! 

Myth #3: 

“You need to buy products to get organized”

I can totally understand why someone would believe this as I’ve been there myself, but the most important step in getting organized is doing the hard work of purging and creating systems first. I've seen time and time again people buying beautiful organizing bins and baskets before learning what they really need. The first step is a mindset shift; then the most important step is always the purging. The less you have, the less you have to clean, the less you have to keep track of and the less you have to organize! I am in no way a minimalist but I wholeheartedly believe that only keeping around what you truly love and use will bring the most happiness. Yes, sometimes products will help get you there, but that is one of the final steps in your organizational journey.

Why is believing in these 3 myths problematic? Because believing in these 3 myths will stop you from taking the right action. Your confidence gets affected, you don't seek guidance, you feel overwhelmed about knowing where to start and you don't transform your space as a result.

As someone who helps people get organized for a living, I have seen breakthrough after breakthrough and I know that it is not difficult to get there. People just don't have the right guidance to succeed when it comes to decluttering and organization. Many people search for information online fruitlessly, buy products that they don't really need or compare their spaces to other peoples' and when that doesn't work, they give up. I don’t want you to give up because I know you can do this! 

How else are there millions of people who have tidy and intentional homes? Are they all organizational geniuses? No... they did it by first deciding that they didn't want their clutter and disorganization to stress them for one more day and they did something about it through pure hard work and/or hiring an expert (us)! So take heart. You can do this! Don't for a second doubt yourself.


How To Maintain Your Organization


How to Get Organized in 2020